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    Annual Report 2021 


    The 2021 annual report of the Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications, in which the organization’s team tried to show all of their achievements and activities. 

    This report is the first year’s report, and we look forward to the assistance of all components, segments and groups of society, especially the technical community, private and public companies, institutions, ministries and Libyan state bodies, to extend a helping hand, cooperation and understanding to create the greatest technical impact during the year 2022. We look forward to filling the void and building bridges of communication between society. On the one hand, and state institutions and companies on the other hand, by proposing legislation, regulations and policies, holding activities, events, conferences and exhibitions, and contributing to field and knowledge work. We open the door to volunteering, contribution and assistance to all technically active individuals, and everyone who can provide and enrich the organization and its work, and everyone who wants to learn and has passion. 

    We also temporarily open the doors of contribution and unconditional support to companies that have a clear vision and action plans, as well as to institutions and bodies that seek to achieve the best, and that have been restricted by legislation that is not compatible with global technical development. 

    Report link 

    Report link

    Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications 

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