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First meeting of the members and directors of the organization for the year 2021 

    First meeting of the members and directors of the organization for the year 2021 


    The first meeting of the members and project managers of the Libyan Organization for Information and Communications Technology was held on Wednesday, 07/28/2021, at exactly seven o’clock in the evening, Tripoli time, via the TEAMS application. It was attended by the presidency of the organization, members of the Board of Directors, project managers, and a number of active members. 

    The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libyan Organization for Information and Communications Technology opened this meeting by welcoming the members of the organization and thanking them for their attendance at the specified time. Then each member of the organization introduced himself, his specialization and field, and his previous and current projects. Then the following items were discussed: 

    1. Performance and activities report. 

    2. Implementing the National Information Technology Day. 

    3. The organization’s projects, contributions, duties and responsibilities of project managers. 

    4. Set a regular monthly meeting date. 

    5. Nominating members for some works and projects. 

    At the conclusion of the meeting, the members of the organization agreed to meet periodically at the beginning of each month, to exchange views and discuss developments. The meeting ended at eight in the evening. 

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