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    Our organization obtains the first cyber risk insurance policy in Libya

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    With pride, after the Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications obtained the certificate of compliance from the National Information Security and Safety Authority on April 15, 2024, after conforming to the national standards for information security and safety. The Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications obtains an insurance policy against cyber risks, from Albaraka Insurance the first of its kind in Libya.

    This achievement is the culmination of a year-long effort by the organization’s team, with the advisory support of many partners and supporters.

    The insurance policy bears the number 00001 and is the first in the field of cybersecurity in Libya.

    Obtaining this certificate and document is conclusive evidence of our commitment to the highest standards of cybersecurity, and our relentless endeavor to protect our data and business continuity from any cyber risks in accordance with the obligations and standards contained in the policy.

    We thank all those who contributed to achieving this great achievement, including partners, supporters, the organization’s team and the Al Baraka Insurance Company team.

    Together towards a secure digital future!

    #Libyan_organization_for_IT_and_telecommunication #cybersecurity #insurance_policy

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